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code receiver中文是什么意思

用"code receiver"造句"code receiver"怎么读"code receiver" in a sentence


  • 代码接收机
  • 收报机
  • 收码器


  • Fast acquisition in pn code receiver with dsp fpga technology
  • The work is very helpful for the further studying the digitalization of the low frequency time - code receiver , and it may lay a foundation for our research
    其中,第( 1 )和第( 2 )部分的工作为本人工作的重点内容,并且已经基本完成。
  • ( 3 ) the features of the low frequency time - code receiver are digital , high performance and high precision . on the basis of the testing flat of low frequency time - code , we designed a low frequency time - code receiver based on software radio
用"code receiver"造句  
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